Are you a resident of Brookfield who is graduating high school this year? Are you intending to study the arts in order to pursue a career in the arts? If you are, then you should apply for this scholarship!
The scholarship is not based on academics or financial need. It requires you to have demonstrated a commitment to art through your studies, practice, and community art involvement, and that you live in Brookfield, are graduating and plan to attend higher education to pursue a career in the arts.
Applications are due by May 6, 2022. Applications can be dropped off at Town Hall in the First Selectman’s Office, emailed to, or mailed to 4 Apache Dr., Brookfield, CT 06804.
If you have questions or need a copy of the application, please contact us by email at brookfieldartscommissionct@gmail,com.

2022 Arts Scholarship Available
Posted in Announcements.